Dr ceo pius kasolo is not patriotic

Today my good contacts is asking a good question......why do we allow a man who it seems cares little for his countryou to steal from us??

I think we showed many times the evidences for Mr ceo stealing from our company and therefore from Zambia.  

But why does we let him? Especially as the man does not seem to care about his country.....why shold the country let him get rich from us if he don't give anything back???......

My contacts tell me people on the top corridors of our company is knowing clearly Mr ceo does not invest in our country, he takes his money away from the ground he was born from, the beautiful soil full of copper from God.....

Mr ceo care more about South Africa than Zambia!  His family is there, his houses and cars is there, his personal business is there, his money is there....

So why don't we make the man himself go back there???

I don't want ceo who is not only taking our company down but who will just run back to sa when he has killed zccm.....do you??????


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