Kasolo's greed and lazynesses

Since becoming the CEO of our company Pius has Kasolo has got many more benefits than the CEOs before say my contacts.


Is he doing such a good job for the company he deserves it?

From the evidences my contacts keep telling me it does not seem so - the company loses more money each year.

Is it because he works so hard?

If so why did he recently get told he has to travel less...because he doesn't focus on the running the company that is why.

Is it because he is using the company to take care of him?


My contacts tell me he gets up to $600 to attend board meetings.  In Lusaka, where he lives???

They also tell me he got up to $180,000 for a car.

And $800,000, yes, $800,000 for his house according to them!

They tell me he gets education costs of up to four children.

And money for a maid and gardener.

And no wonder he likes to travel, he gets more allowances than our President!

He gets all of these things while the ordinary people of ZCCM he is not looking after, the hard workers may lose their jobs because he can't make a profit and may have to sell some mines and companies like NLC.

WHY???? My contacts and me feel this is enough, that is why I have to tell you because it is not fair that we all work so hard and he sits on his big horse looking over his expensive sunglasses at us.


  1. Kasolo is really a leech ! For how much longer will the thief continue the looting ???


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