Our economy is dying and mr CEO pius Kasolo gets a pay rise!!!!

Really I do not see how the things can go any lower, really.

Our country and our company the giant zccm is both dying, starving from the lack of blood that is the finances we need to make our country and our company strong. 

But we don't have no blood, no we dont't.  We have CEO Dr Pius Kasolo making the cut we are losing the blood through bigger because he is lazy greedy man and he is killing zccm and zambia I am telling you!!!!!! Listen!!!!

My good contacts who have ears close to walls and good friends who show them documents is telling me that not only did me ceo pius kasolo get a new contract for three more years he was putting very tough needs in the talking.

Now, we saw many time how he is not working well for the company but he is getting to to much from us.  He was asking for more money to spend on personal things in the house, his house, like a tv?? He wanted double the amount he is getting to pay his maid. He wants more, yes MORE money to pay for the education of his children and he wants me and you to pay for him to go to sa to see doctors. 

In the end he also got 9% pay  rise!!!!#

Really this is making me angry he is bad bad manager who is killing our country which already is dying with no money and a coming financial crisis. he is not good zambian or man he is greedy theif who wants to live luxury and look down at the poor people below.



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