ZCCM-IH Dying While CEO Get Rich(er)

I can be quiet no longer, I have to say what is in my heart so the good, HARDWORKING people of Zambia see what is happening infront our noses.  It effects us because it is we, the people who suffer and I say ENOUGH.

ZCCM-IH is dying.  Our Giant is slowly being hit with stones like Goliath from David only our Giant is a good one that could work for us, the people but instead it is being taken down stone hit after stone hit.

Where are the stone coming from?  They are coming from inside, like a cancer growing and exploding, it is coming from our CEO.

We work so hard and they take our jobs away because we are going to the broke.  I tell you, he works very very little and he is rewarded time and again with more benefits.  What could be worse than this?  The benefits are coming from him, he is taking from us himself and giving to himself again and again.

Where should I start o people who live in huts by the mine and breath the dirty smog that fills the air?

Maybe with his nice big house close to the golf club.  He has enough money for his own house but noooo Mr, sorry Dr Pius get it from the company.  How does he keep his house clean?  The maid!  It is not their fault but we are paying for his house to be clean!!!  Are there too many trees and the grass too long in his garden?  No because he has a gardener!

How does he get to work?  Does he sit on a bus like the ordinary people?  Does he drive his own car like the others?  NOOOOO he drives the nice car we buy for him!!!!

And he makes sure his children take the benefits!  We pay for their schools!!!

There are just so many examples we hear about from the workers who are sick and tired of working so hard only for him to take our benefits.

If the company was doing good then maybe he would deserve it.  But like I say the Giant is dying.  The money is emptying out of our accounts so quickly and into the their Kasolos pockets.

And what is doing to stop this?  He keeps travelling!!!! Away he go to Europe and the world spending the money he should be using to make sure the company is still going.  WASTE

And they say this man is a good one to take care of our company and maybe be the President?  I would fight not to make that happen and I think many many many workers for the company would also like to change him for a person who does not pretend he cares for the company but really only cares for himself.  We call for a CEO who truely cares...NOW

This is just the start.  I will give you many more infos that Mr CEO wants to keep quiet....WAIT AND SEE........................................


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